Tuesday, December 18, 2012

This is a Freaking Marathon

I have to remind myself more often than not that having WLS is not like joining Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig, or any number of diets that I have tried over my lifetime. Instead, it is a life long commitment. A marathon, not a sprint. Tomorrow will be my 11th month post surgery, and the thick of the holiday season. This past weekend I made two "real" kinds of cookies with my toddler - and managed to only eat about one and a half. I still don't feel hunger, which is quite typical with the gastric sleeve, but I have head hunger. This is something that the holidays brings out in me with a vengeance. I have tended to deal with my emotions nearly my entire life by consuming food. I tend to be uncomfortable with strong emotions, and it tends to make me feel better to eat. Well, this is something I have spent a lot of time dealing with prior to surgery, but post-surgery, I realized that I still have a lot of work to do on this issue. The holidays are a wonderful time, but they also involve dealing with family and friends. This is both good and bad - as we all have our triggers - sometimes caused by a person, people, or situation. Needless to say, this time of year is troublesome. Also, it is a time of year where I have always allowed myself to overindulge. A bite here, seventeen bites there, a whole plate of cookies here, a big glass of full fat and sugar eggnog over there, and the list continues. Therefore, I am acutely aware of this tendency and trying my best to overcome it - developing strategies to cope. One of which is my over reliance on sugar free coffee drinks, but this is better than a whole bucket of ice cream. Right now my favorite is the sugar-free mocha or sugar-free peppermint mocha (iced) with extra ice and light whip from Starbucks. It costs a ridiculous amount of money, but those $4+ are worth it. I can drink it all afternoon, get my milk in, and also feel like I am having a delicious treat. I also have discovered sugar free starlight mints from Walgreen's - the Walgreen's brand. They taste great, not chemically - but, maybe it's my alerted taste buds playing tricks on me. As for coping, I often hear other WLS patients talk about transfer addictions. Some people sadly become chemically addicted. Others start smoking. While others, "fill" their void with something else - crafting, shopping, exercising, etc. And, after my rambling, I again, have to remind myself that this is a marathon. This is a life long tool and journey that I am just learning how to master - okay, not master, just survive. Here's to running a good race.

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