Thursday, July 11, 2013

How Sugar Free Syrups May Change your Life

Shakes. Shakes. Shakes. Bleh. If you are new to the pre or post WLS community, you may be overwhelmed with the non-stop discussion of shakes, i.e. the infamous protein shakes. I have a love/hate relationship with them, meaning I will go a few months with a salacious fervor for shakes, then - I will literally start gagging at the thought of them. The cycle continues. Much of it is trial and error regarding what type of shakes you can handle. Prior to surgery, I was able to drink regular milk without issue. Post surgery, two sips and I was ready to be sick. 

With my pregnancy, I have wanting nothing to do with shakes until about two weeks ago. Hence, I am back on the shake-wagon. Something that has helped me develop my own collection of favorite and go-to shakes has been the experimentation with different flavored sugar-free syrups. At first, I was a complete naysayer, but after finding a few flavors that agreed with me, I am quite a believer. Although, a quick warning, be caution about how your body reacts to the sugar-free syrups. Some people will tell you that no-sugar free syrup will cause you to dump. But, I will say, dumping or not, some syrups have not agreed with me. This can also be true with different types of syrups coffee shops use - be sure to figure out what works best for you. For example, I cannot get the Sugar Free Vanilla Lattes at McDonalds, because whatever type of SF syrup they use, makes me dump - and I had a sleeve!!! Personally, I have found that Torani and DaVinci syrups agree with me - and most importantly, they are delicious. 

Buying Tips:

1. World Market - They stock an incredible series of Torani flavors that you seemingly cannot find anywhere else. Also, you can become a World Market member for free, giving you further discounts. 

2. HomeGoods - ONE OF MY FAVORITE places to buy. Owned by TJ Maxx, they stock a large variety of Sugar Free Syrups. I have found brands like Torani and DaVinci at one of my local (Minneapolis suburbs). They are great, because given their inconsistent inventory, you can always find a fun flavor. The other night I purchased SF Chocolate Macadamia Nut Syrup. They also had Watermelon. Typically, the cost varies between $5.00 - $8.00 for a LARGE bottle. 

3. Your local grocery store - check the coffee aisle, you will often find a small assortment of syrups. But proceed with caution, sometimes they are small bottles with a very steep price. In addition, I prefer to purchase the syrups in glass bottles. The ones I have found at the grocery store are often in plastic, and personally, I think the flavor is slightly different. 

4. The Web - Amazon, Torani, DaVinci - check them out!

How to use them: 

1. The sky is the limit! I like to look at different shake recipes from other bariatric patients and develop my own based on those recipes. Sometimes they can be a lifesaver when you are craving something like a peanut butter cup - solution: SF Chocolate Syrup, 1 tablespoon of Peanut Butter, your favorite protein powder, milk/water, ice and blend. Your delicious, protein packed peanut butter cup shake. 

2. Be creative, but understand there also may be some epic failures. For example, ended up tossing out a nearly full bottle of SF Amaretto syrup - after one to many attempts to make it agree with my taste buds.  

3. SF Syrups - they are not only for shakes. Try mixing it up with cheesecake recipes, Greek yogurt, baking, and coffee. 


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